
A business law firm can help in deciding on a corporation vs. LLC

Starting a business in Louisiana is a difficult endeavor. Simply… [...]

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Help firm is needed when facing a lawsuit

When doing business in Louisiana, it is unavoidable that there… [...]

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Construction defects lead to lawsuit against subcontractor

There is no shortage of large construction projects in Baton… [...]

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Woman claiming racial discrimination sparks business law filing

For Louisiana businesses, the current climate in which people are… [...]

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Famed actor’s charity faces construction defects lawsuit

It is not unusual for prominent people to try to… [...]

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Rising material costs impact construction industry

San Diego’s building boom is at risk of a slowdown… [...]

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The basics of scope of work disputes

Rarely is every job on the worksite done by the… [...]

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What is a Franchise Disclosure Document?

An individual in the United States who is selling a… [...]

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