Guiding you through business litigation matters

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

Whether you are just starting a business, making business reformations or taking steps to protect your business, the list of things to do never ends for business owners in Louisiana and elsewhere. Many people hope to rely on their company’s or business’s longevity for generations to come; therefore, owners and business executives must take careful consideration when dealing with any business law issues.

At Dunlap Fiore, LLC, our experienced legal team has dealt with countless business law issues including those matters that require litigation. In addition, we have helped companies in the Baton Rouge area successfully navigate and even avoid potential legal problems. When it comes to drafting business agreements, going to the negotiation table or representing a business when a business dispute arises from relationships between other companies, our focus is on meeting the needs and goals of our clients.

There are many working parts to a business, and at times, this can become overwhelming. This is especially true when internal disputes occur and employees seek legal action against each other or their employer. Our skilled attorneys have the knowledge and resources to help companies sort through these employment law issues, ensuring that they do not impact the normal course of business.

To learn more, check out our business litigation website. Whether you seek to take major steps with your company or ensure that business assets and property are protected from generation to generation, our law firm can guide you through any and all business law issues. We can help you take the necessary steps to protect what is important — your company.


