Disputes in the business and government world can arise anytime. Resolving disputes such as contract disputes between parties may require legal expertise. Louisiana residents may be familiar with the stalemate over the Common Core academic standards between the Governor and the superintendent. As talks between the Governor and Superintendent are at an impasse, both may explore legal options to resolve the dispute.
Louisiana residents may find it helpful to learn that the legal dispute stems from a disagreement between the Governor and the Louisiana Board for Elementary and Secondary Education, represented by the State School Superintendent, over what types of school tests will be permissible in the upcoming school year.
Specifically, the Governor has blocked the use of the Common Core academic standards as the template for state education tests. On the opposing end, the State Education Board has wholly endorsed the use of the Common Core standard and is refusing to budge. Both parties have dug their heels in, and at least for now, neither side appears to be willing to compromise.
Since the Louisiana State constitution, unlike most other states, grants the state school board control over the majority of education issues, the Governor has elected to exercise his authority regarding the established state procurement requisites to stonewall the school boards effort in obtaining the national Common Core test that the board wishes to use. Essentially he is accusing the school board of misusing the state contracting rules and not following the proper procedure.
Though the Governor’s administration has not accused the Superintendent of any wrongdoing outright, they contend that following the state government rules and regulations is essential in order to protect the tax payers and enforce accountability. The impasse has left the school board with limited options, and they are presently looking into legal options to settle the dispute.
Source: The Times-Picayune, “Common Core conversation fruitless between Bobby Jindal, John White,” July 17, 2014