Construction defects include dry rot and wet rot

On Behalf of Dunlap Fiore, LLC |

When a commercial structure is being erected in Louisiana, there are usually many parties involved in the project. There is the project owner, general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and more. Specifically, when it comes to suppliers, those who contract with them expect their goods will not be defective. Unfortunately, construction defects are sometimes found in the supplies used to build a structure. Today we will take a look at two types of defects that can be found in wood used to construct a building: dry rot and wet rot.

Dry rot takes place when a specific kind of fungi eats away at the wood, transforming it into a dry powdery substance. Dry rot can happen if there is insufficient air ventilation or if the wood used has not been correctly seasoned. Painting the wood with copper sulphate can help prevent dry rot.

Wet rot takes place when fungi decomposes the wood, transforming it into a powdery substance that is gray-brown in color. Wet rot fungi general appears when the wood is exposed to dry conditions and wet conditions alternately.

When a supplier provides defective timber that is susceptible to rot, it can cause serious issues with the construction and stability of the structure. Structural defects can not only decrease the value of the finished project, but they can also cost a lot of money to fix and can even be dangerous. Therefore, project owners whose buildings were built with defective timber leading to construction defects may want to seek legal help. It is possible that they may be able to pursue a lawsuit against the supplier of the defective timber, so that the issue can be remedied in an acceptable way.


