
Firm News
How can a Louisiana business protect its intellectual property?

Louisiana, like many other states, recognizes the need for companies… [...]

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I have a construction dispute, what should I do?

When it is comes to construction disputes, it is important… [...]

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Baton Rouge-based credit unions merge

Louisiana residents should be interested to know that after seeking… [...]

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Do you have questions about business law or government contracts?

Whether you are a business owner who is just starting… [...]

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Does FMLA apply to small-business owners?

The Family and Medical Leave Act – commonly known as… [...]

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Employment law: employee rights, employer responsibilities

Whether it is seasonal, temporary, part-time or full-time employment, most… [...]

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Are mergers and acquisitions coming to a halt?

People in Baton Rouge may have heard that the mood… [...]

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Filming for well-known sitcom halted due to contract dispute

Louisiana residents who are fans of the sitcom “Big Bang… [...]

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