
Firm News
Business law and fraudulent misrepresentation

Louisiana businesses must be aware of the various pitfalls that… [...]

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Employers can request 2nd and 3rd opinions under FMLA

Louisiana employers whose workers are covered under the Family and… [...]

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Business litigation centers are chef and his namesake restaurant

In business in Louisiana and across the United States, there… [...]

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Employers need to protect from lawsuits with an experienced firm

Doing business in today’s world is difficult enough for Louisiana… [...]

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Understanding specific performance after breach of contract

Breach of contract is a serious issue in Louisiana business… [...]

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What is light duty under the ADA and are employers protected?

Louisiana employers and employees might be aware of the various… [...]

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Defending against allegations of construction defects

In Louisiana and throughout the nation, one business that is… [...]

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A confidentiality agreement is important in business law

Louisiana businesses that have products or ideas that they would… [...]

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