
Employment Litigation
Avoiding an employer liability claim from an office party

Even though the holidays have come to an end, this… [...]

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Undue hardship as an employer defense against an ADA violation

Employers in Louisiana understand that they have the legal duty… [...]

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What are employer liability defenses for sexual harassment?

Unfortunately, the work environment is not always a comfortable and… [...]

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Preventing religious discrimination in Louisiana workplaces

The American workplace is becoming religiously diverse as never before.… [...]

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Does the Fair Labor Standards Act apply to all employers?

Louisianans may have heard of the Fair Labor Standards Act… [...]

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What are my obligations as an employer under the ADA?

This year marks the Silver Jubilee of Americans with Disabilities… [...]

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What should employers know about civil rights and religion?

Employers in Louisiana, by law, are prohibited from discriminating against… [...]

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Supreme Court makes ruling on religious accommodation issue

Louisiana residents should be interested to know that the Supreme… [...]

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