
Business Litigation
Business litigation targets Bain Capital merger activities

This year’s presidential election campaign may have introduced Bain Capital… [...]

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Sec and investors sue Baton Rouge hedge fund

The federal courthouse in Baton Rouge may play host to… [...]

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Louisiana monks’ casket business headed for high court review

The Louisiana Supreme Court will soon hear a case involving… [...]

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Louisiana investors seek returns from massive Ponzi scheme

Nine Louisiana investors recently filed suit in federal court leveling… [...]

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Baton Rouge pension fund sues directors of mall giant

The Baton Rouge-based Louisiana Municipal Police Retirement System recently filed… [...]

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Transparency issue leads to business litigation

Mardi Gras is part of Louisiana’s culture. But the annual… [...]

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Lawsuit filed over large Louisiana home construction

Readers in Baton Rouge may be familiar with the posh… [...]

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Actors face off in suit over sale of business interests

The technology designed to help clean-up efforts after the BP… [...]

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