
Woman says she was fired after harassment by company owner’s son

When there is an allegation of sexual harassment in the… [...]

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FMLA and protections accorded to employers

While Louisiana employees are often viewed as the victims in… [...]

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How do ADA violations occur in the workplace?

Employers throughout the country are sensitive to the potential for… [...]

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Amazon expands into new areas of retail with acquisition deal

Many of our readers in Louisiana probably saw the recent… [...]

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An overview of construction defects

Construction litigation can be a difficult issue for companies in… [...]

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Veterans can get help with business start-ups in new program

There are many different companies in Louisiana that do all… [...]

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Woman pursues employment law options in claim for unpaid wages

Many employees in Louisiana may not know that there is… [...]

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The information about business law that your company needs

A company that is just getting off the ground will… [...]

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