
Can I give prospective employees a medical exam?

Generally speaking, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer… [...]

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Supreme Court to examine the issue of unfair competition

When is a business being competed against unfairly? The issue… [...]

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The contracting firm I work for has merged, what should I do?

If the company at which one works has undergone a… [...]

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What should an employer know about employment law?

Both new and long-term business owners in Louisiana may have… [...]

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Resolving contract disputes through dispute resolution

Contractors understand that construction contract disputes sometimes require a proactive… [...]

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Siemens & Sulzer vying to merge with Dresser-Rand Group

The Louisiana business community may find it interesting to learn… [...]

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Siemens & Sulzer vying to merge with Dresser-Rand Group

The Louisiana business community may find it interesting to learn… [...]

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How can a Louisiana business protect its intellectual property?

Louisiana, like many other states, recognizes the need for companies… [...]

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