We can help with construction disputes needing resolution

Due to the dynamic and complex nature of the construction industry, construction litigation cases can be some of the most complex cases that are filed in the court of law. The nature of any given construction lawsuit can range from having one party failing to meet an agreed upon milestone or deadline, to issues revolving around discrepancies in meeting specific building codes to failing to meet industry safety or ethical standards with approved industry practices and principals.

The legal issues can be complex when it involves private parties. When cases involve companies that enter into legal contracts with the government to fulfil government construction contracts, a new layer of complexity is added due to the added levels of bureaucracy that must be understood and navigated correctly.

Whether the nature of the legal dispute is between private parties or companies that have entered into and accepted government contracts, rest assured that you are in safe hands with our legal team at Dunlap Fiore LLC. Our staff has the knowledge and expertise that has been acquired from decades of expertise in defending government contractors. We work methodically with their clients so that they can fully understand the nature of their legal dispute. In turn they can then be able to define precisely what their intended resolution is and then draw up a strategy that will ensure that our client gets the result that they seek.

Similarly we assist clients who need help applying for and securing government contracts. Whether help is needed in securing a government contract, filing a certified claim or even filing a bid protest; our legal team represents clients with professionalism and integrity.

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