Construction litigation can spawn from many different sources

Those in the construction industry in Louisiana know that there are often a wide variety of different people to please and keep track of on any given project. For developers, they have to deal with real estate issues. For contractors, deadlines are all-important, as is managing subcontractors. And for the workers involved, everything they do is part of the larger project – making each move important. With so many different parties involved in construction projects, it should be no surprise to our readers that litigation can pop up from many different sources.

Unfortunately, construction law and litigation can be highly technical and complex. They last thing anyone in the construction industry wants is a lawsuit that might halt production, but there may be times when such legal action is necessary. Payment problems could be construed as a breach of contract. A defective design on a project could take the whole deal back to square-one – and someone would have to pay for such a major issue. There are many different issues that could result in construction litigation.

The good news is that when anyone who is party to construction litigation needs to know their options, our law firm is available. At our law firm, we work with our clients to explore all possible solutions and resolutions to the issues that they are facing. Sometimes a case needs to go through every step of litigation, but in other cases, there may be out-of-court remedies to explore.

For more information about how our law firm attempts to help those who are facing construction law issues in Louisiana, please visit our website. The people who are involved in the construction industry in Louisiana know how to fix things and make things: carpenters, electricians and engineers. But, when it comes to construction litigation, they may need a helping hand.


